Living Together: A Poetry Project

3 p.m., Sept. 23, 2022

Mission: The Power of Multimodal Poetry and Language Learning

Language professors Borbi Gaspar (Italian) and Chantelle Warner (German) believe in the power of poetry and play to create meaningful connections and experiences, especially when it comes to learning a new language. Their goal is to give language learners the opportunity to engage creatively with language, so they can develop a sense of comfort and belonging, express emotions, and connect with others locally and globally.

Click on the link below to read more about their mission and ideas!… 


Their first event will be on Friday, September 23rd in the Environment and Natural Resources 2 Building, Room N595 from 3:00-5:00pm


Enjoy refreshments and snacks while playing with language in a creative way!


Have questions? Reach out to Borbi Gaspar at
