Nailed it!, the virtual cooking night was organized on November 20th 2020, for all students enrolled in Italian. Prior to the event students were asked to pick a recipe they wanted to cook off a list. On the day of the event students cooked in small groups with those who wanted to prepare the same dish, using Italian recipes. In the end, they shared their final dish for a “virtual taste”. Most of the students tried these dishes for the first time and were very satisfied and motivated to try cooking Italian dishes in the future as well, using these Italian recipes and others. The organizers, Borbi Gaspar and Giulia Negretto, were very impressed by the talented chefs. It was very hard for them to have only a “virtual taste” of the beautiful dishes that students prepared. They look forward to offering this event again in the future.

For those who missed the event but would like to experiment with some delicious Italian recipes, the links to the dishes are posted bellow. Recipes have a video recipe and images for each step
Pasta alla carbonara: https://www.giallozafferano.it/ricerca-ricette/carbonara/
Spaghetti cacio e pepe:
Crepe alla nutella :
Frittelle di mele: https://ricette.giallozafferano.it/Frittelle-di-mele.html
Risotto alla zucca o allo zafferano: