
570 Modern Languages
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Feng, Aileen A
Associate Professor, Director of Italian Studies

2023-2024: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, Newberry Library, Chicago, IL

2016-2017:  Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fellow, Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Renaissance Studies, Florence, Italy.     

External Affiliate, Center for Italian Studies, University of Notre Dame.

Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (2008), MA University of Notre Dame (2002). Director of Italian Studies and Associate Professor of Italian; Faculty Affiliate, Department of Gender & Women's Studies; Dr. Feng specializes in late-Medieval and Renaissance Italian literature with comparative interests in Latin and Medieval-Renaissance French literature. Her research and teaching interests include literature and politics, Italian lyric, especially Petrarch, neo-Latin humanism (Quattrocento), Petrarchism in Italy and France, Querelle des femmes, Questione della lingua, Renaissance exemplarity, and early modern conceptions of gender performativity.

Monographs & Scholarly books

Writing Beloveds:  Humanist Petrarchism and the Politics of Gender.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.  


The Poetry of Burchiello (ca. 1404-1449):  Deep-fried Nouns, Hunchbacked Pumpkins, and Other Nonsense. Trans. and notes by Fabian Alfie and Aileen A. Feng.  Tempe, AZ: ACMRS Press, 2017.


Rethinking Gaspara Stampa in the Canon of Renaissance Poetry.  Ed. Unn Falkeid & Aileen A. Feng. Farnham: Ashgate, 2015 (now published by Routledge).    

(now published by Routledge: https://www.routledge.com/products/9781472427069)

Peer-refereed Articles & Chapters in Scholarly Books

"Gendered Mourning in the Epistolary Collections of Petrarch and Isotta Nogarola."  Petrarchan Passions: Affects and Community-Formation in the Renaissance World.  Eds. Bernard Huss, Timothy Kircher, Gur Zak.  Schriften des Italienzentrums der Freien Universität Berlin, vol. 8.  (2022).  

“The Tale of Cesca and the Mirror (VI.8)” The Decameron Sixth Day in Perspective. Ed. David Lummus. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021.  184-211.

“Laura Cereta.” Oxford Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation. Ed. Margaret King. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.

“Editors’ Introduction.” The Poetry of Burchiello (ca. 1404-1449):  Deep-fried Nouns, Hunchbacked Pumpkins, and Other Nonsense.  Trans. and notes by Fabian Alfie and Aileen A. Feng.  Tempe, AZ: ACMRS Press, 2017.  50% authorship.
“Editors’ Introduction.”  Rethinking Gaspara Stampa in the Canon of Renaissance Poetry. Ed. Unn Falkeid and Aileen A. Feng.  Women and Gender in the Early Modern World Series.  Farnham: Ashgate, 2015. pp. 1-12.  50% authorship.

“Desiring Subjects: Mimetic Desire and Female Invidia in Gaspara Stampa’s Rime.” Rethinking Gaspara Stampa in the Canon of Renaissance Poetry.  Ed. Unn Falkeid & Aileen A. Feng. Farnham: Ashgate, 2015.  pp. 75-91.    

“'Volto di Medusa’: Monumentalizing the self in Petrarch’s Rerum Vulgarium Fragmenta.Forum Italicum 47.3 (November 2013): 494 – 518.

“In Laura’s Shadow: Casting Female Humanists as Petrarchan Beloveds in Quattrocento Letters.”  The Inner Life of Women in Medieval Romance Literature: Grief, Guilt, and Hypocrisy. Ed. Jeff Rider and Jamie Friedman.  New Middle Ages Series. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.  pp. 223-247.

Book Reviews

Kennedy, William J.  Petrarchism at Work: Contextual Economies in the Age of Shakespeare.  Ithaca, NY:  Cornell UP, 2016.  (Renaissance Quarterly 72.3, Fall 2019) 

Ray, Meredith K.  Daughters of Alchemy.  Women and Scientific Culture in Early Modern Italy.  Cambridge MA: Harvard UP, 2015.  (Italica 94.1)

Morabito, Raffaele.   L’evo e il tempo del Canzoniere.  Florence: Olschki, 2015. (Renaissance Quarterly 69.4)

Carocci, Anna.  “Non si odono altri canti”:  Leonardo Giustinian nella Venezia del Quattrocento. Con l’edizione delle canzonette secondo il ms. Marciano It. IX 486.  Rome:  Viella, 2014.  (Renaissance Quarterly 69.2: 777-778)   

Tronzo, William. Petrarch's Two Gardens: Landscape and the Image of Movement.  New York: Italica Press, 2014.  (Speculum 90/1 [January 2015]: 304-305).

Robins, William, ed. Textual Cultures of Medieval Italy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011. (Speculum 88.4 [October 2013]:  1149-1151).
Kirkham, Victoria & Armando Maggi, eds. Petrarch. A Critical Guide to the Complete Works. Chicago: U of Chicago Press, 2009. (Annali  d’italianistica 29 [November 2011]: 519-522).
Ray, Meredith.  Gender in Women’s Letter Collections of the Italian Renaissance.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009.  (Annali d’Italianistica 28 [November 2010]: 531-533) 


Feminism's First Paradox: Female Misogyny and Homosociality in Early Modern Italy (monograph).

Translation and critical edition of Pietro Bembo's Rime (1530).




Currently Teaching

ITAL 410 – Words and Worlds: Italian Literature and/or Film

Course is an advanced seminar on Italian narratives, either visual or literary.

ITAL 330D – Empowered Women in Italian Literature and Culture

Comprehensive study of images of Italian women in literary, historic, religious texts, the visual arts, and their effects on the cultural productions of women writers and artists. We will examine issues of gender, education, social class, desire, religion, law, and the family. This course may be applied toward the major or minor in Italian or Italian Studies (please speak with an advisor for more information). Taught in English.

Comprehensive study of images of Italian women in literary, historic, religious texts, the visual arts, and their effects on the cultural productions of women writers and artists. We will examine issues of gender, education, social class, desire, religion, law, and the family. This course may be applied toward the major or minor in Italian or Italian Studies (please speak with an advisor for more information). Taught in English.