
586 Modern Languages
Office Hours
Fall 2024 Office Hours: TuThFr 11am-12pm and 3:30-4:30pm by appointment on Trellis:
or by email:
560 Modern Languages Building or at
Coropceanu, Lilia Lacusta

Lilia holds a M.A. in French and Francophone Literatures from University of Arizona and a Ph.D. in French from Emory University, where she taught for the past several years advanced-level courses in French language, literature and culture, as well as the graduate pedagogy methods seminar. From 2011 to 2020, she served as the Director of Undergraduate Studies of the French program. She also regularly taught in the Emory French Studies Summer Program in Paris, and has served as the Program Director and Faculty Associate. Lilia Coropceanu has presented her research on second language acquisition and French literature at multiple regional and national professional conferences. In the area of French literature, her research interests include conceptions and techniques of self-constitution in French novelistic narrative (seventeenth-, eighteenth-, and nineteenth century literature). She is the author of Faber Suae Fortunae : L’autoformation du sujet chez Mme de Lafayette, Marivaux et Stendhal. (New York: Peter Lang, 2010, in series Currents in Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures).

Dr. Coropceanu is the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) for both the French and Italian programs.

For advising help, make an appointment and then select "College of Humanities" and "Italian".

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