
(520) 621-7349
561 Modern Languages
Office Hours
Mon & Tues 9:00-9:50 am & by
Meli, Maria Rita

Maria Rita earned her B.A. in Italian and linguistics at the University of Arizona in 2012 and her M.A. in Italian Studies at the University of Toronto in 2013. In August 2013, she started teaching Italian at the University of Arizona. Her main scholarly interests are in Second Language Acquisition, Italian linguistics/dialectology, and Internet linguistics.

Currently Teaching

ITAL 101 – Elementary Italian I

Listening, speaking, reading, and writing; introduction to the basic structures and vocabulary of Italian. (Does not count toward the Italian major or minor.)

Listening, speaking, reading, and writing; introduction to the basic structures and vocabulary of Italian. (Does not count toward the Italian major or minor.)

Listening, speaking, reading, and writing; introduction to the basic structures and vocabulary of Italian. (Does not count toward the Italian major or minor.)

Listening, speaking, reading, and writing; introduction to the basic structures and vocabulary of Italian. (Does not count toward the Italian major or minor.)

ITAL 102 – Elementary Italian II

Listening, speaking, reading and writing; an introduction to the basic structures and vocabulary of Italian, continuation. (Does not count toward the Italian major or minor.)

Listening, speaking, reading and writing; an introduction to the basic structures and vocabulary of Italian, continuation. (Does not count toward the Italian major or minor.)

Listening, speaking, reading and writing; an introduction to the basic structures and vocabulary of Italian, continuation. (Does not count toward the Italian major or minor.)

Listening, speaking, reading and writing; an introduction to the basic structures and vocabulary of Italian, continuation. (Does not count toward the Italian major or minor.)